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Beechwood’s world-class, multi-disciplinary team and associates seek clarity on the other side of complexity. Although these experienced practitioners are subject matter specialists, they prefer to facilitate and motivate those who then have to implement the strategy rather than instruct and dictate.



Rob has gained leadership, management and problem-solving skills over sixteen years of exemplary service in the British Army. His wide experience of operations and programme management is complemented by his critical thinking and ability to communicate cross-culturally at all levels. While a British Army officer, Rob commanded his company on deployment in Afghanistan where he pioneered a successful approach to mentoring and training an Afghan National Army battalion engaged in regular combat operations. Later, as part of the political-military transition team at NATO HQ in Kabul, his information management skills and good communication with Afghan and coalition hierarchies helped shape the success of transition to Afghan government control. He later commanded in Kenya, and his UK-based assignments included the management of MoD’s counter-narcotics research unit that informed strategic, operational and tactical decision-making; and later overseeing the re-development of the British Army’s counterinsurgency concept and doctrine, drawing on lessons learnt in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rob now acts as a civilian expert through the UK Government’s Stabilisation Unit, owing to his strong technical skills, dynamic approach to problem-solving and ability to deliver results in conflict-affected situations. Rob holds a Masters degree in Social and Global Justice, a Certificate in Conflict Resolution, a Diploma in Management. He received the US Meritorious Service Medal for his work in Afghanistan.

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