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Beechwood’s world-class, multi-disciplinary team and associates seek clarity on the other side of complexity. Although these experienced practitioners are subject matter specialists, they prefer to facilitate and motivate those who then have to implement the strategy rather than instruct and dictate.




Anna has deep familiarity with crisis contexts across the Pacific region through research on humanitarian policy, regional military and police operations, and future trends. Her extensive interviews in rural and urban communities with former combatants, internally displaced populations, local businesses, civil society and government officials, and key Australian informants, contributed to her PhD and various other publications, including Oxfam’s 2009 Bridging the gap between state and society: New directions for the Solomon Islands. Anna was a Senior Researcher on the 2002-03 Australian Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Relations with Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands; she reviewed the sustainability of NZ development assistance to Pacific Island states; and continues to advise the NZ Government and teach at the Defence Staff and Command College, while leading a project on the Fijian security sector. Anna was the Timor Leste analyst for the International Crisis Group (ICG) and continues to act as an independent subject matter expert on security sector reform.

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