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Public Sect Top
“You know first-hand where things are working well on the frontline of public services, but also where the waste is and where we can provide better services for less money … share with us your ideas for how to get more for less.”


British Chancellor in a letter to public sector employees, 2015

We are committed to helping governments achieve better Value for Money for both the taxpayer and end beneficiary. This is especially critical where human security and livelihoods are at stake. Our goal is to provide civilian and military actors with an ‘enabling capability’ that will facilitate three essential outcomes: (1) richer contextual understanding and learning; (2) greater connection and collaboration amongst the key stakeholders; and (3) dialogue that is driven towards meaningful decisions and action. While we are open to working with all relevant and ethical actors, we have a particular focus on those with a catalytic role in bringing to life the vision of a more ‘comprehensive’ or ‘integrated’ way of working on crises and conflicts at home and overseas. Collaboration is fundamental to delivering a better return on all partners’ investment of funds, expertise, personal risk and political capital. 

Closing the Security Governance Gap

Countering Terrorism Finance

Learning Lessons Past and Present

Mitigating Future Threats

Examples of support to government strategy, policy and capability development



Public EGs 1
Public EGs 2

Reviewing Military Doctrine

Red Teaming and Wargaming

Redefining Civilian Expertise

Supporting Fragile States

and Situations

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