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Our consulting assignments, workshops and conferences
produce breakthrough solutions that cut across the silos and
are grounded, creative and actionable.


The most common application is to mobilise projects and strategic initiatives, which address core operational risks involving people, processes and systems.


Kick-Off: participants look back to learn, rapidly reach agreement on where they are, where they want to be, the key action areas and creative solutions for how to get there, and a clear, step-by-step action plan. 


Pit-Stops: participants learn, re-energise, refocus, and plan for the next major milestone, and if necessary, a remedial approach is used to address serious problems. 


Close-Out: participants capture lessons for the future and celebrate successes.


We are experienced at facilitating alongside interpreters because of the total absence of English – from 200 entrepreneurs in Novocherkassk, Russia, and 50 medical professionals in a multi-national clinical trial in South Africa, to 20 lively female SME-owners in Afghanistan; hence why the approach places such an emphasis on improving and streamlining communication, and ensuring inclusion, where language is a barrier.

Much of our work is carried out in highly focused meetings, so we welcome ‘event driven’ inquiries where clients require help in the planning, facilitation and reporting phases. We have co-designed and delivered conferences with up to 1,000 delegates, conducted training and leadership development programmes for multiple industries, and co-facilitated hundreds of workshops using the TEAMWIN methodology and toolkit. Each event follows a carefully planned logic flow to ensure that all key areas are addressed as part of a ‘guided conversation’, which also has the in-built flexibility to see through unexpected issues as they arise.

Mobilising projects and strategic initiatives.

We have also developed the capabilities required to address the growing convergence of new and unfamiliar risk categories that have beset global businesses.


Today’s decision-makers grapple with a new order of global risks, notable for their diversity and interconnectedness, and wonder what tomorrow will bring beyond familiar operational issues related to people, processes, and systems. 


Will it be reputational damage? Financial penalties imposed by the regulator? Prosecution in different jurisdictions? To succeed will involve redefining the strategic priorities, discerning whom to listen to, and deciding whom to influence.


In conjunction with world-class subject matter experts and alliance partners, we have designed a series of ‘resilience-building’ events primarily intended to help specialists within organisations


1) enhance their own understanding and knowledge, and

2) more effectively guide their operational colleagues across different levels, functions and regions.


This can form the beginning of a replicable process across the organisation or group of organisations, fostering multi-disciplinary collaboration and different ways of working.

Building resilience.

Making Conferences Purposeful and Productive

Learning Lessons in Defence - Past and Present


Demonstrating Value for Money in DfID's PPA

Connecting Investors with Afghan and Somali businesses

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